HybridCoe dots

Training and Exercises

The overall objective of exercises is to educate participants and improve response mechanisms to different incidents or crises as they apply to hybrid threats. Exercises also strengthen relationships between participating organizations and individuals. In addition, they can sometimes be used as a tool to test different hypotheses, tactics, and procedures such as a playbook or a contingency plan. 

Exercises focus on three overall lines of effort:

  • Providing support for Hybrid CoE Communities of Interest, and capacity-building for Participating States.
  • Building greater NATO-EU cooperation in the exercise environment. 
  • Enhancing civil/military cooperation when countering hybrid threats. 

Hybrid CoE actively engages in a variety of exercises through its hybrid advisors, facilitators and exercise developers. Current projects include:

  • Hybrid threats 101 training. A basic one-day training session for Participating States, the EU and NATO, designed to increase understanding of hybrid threats through videos, lectures, case studies and a dilemma game.
  • Support for the EU Political and Security Committee, the EU presidency and the Horizontal Working Party on Enhancing Resilience and Countering Hybrid Threats.
  • Support for NATO subordinate commands and NATO Centres of Excellence as hybrid advisors on exercises and wargames.
  • Hybrid CoE original exercises. Current projects include a focus on the information domain (disinformation and misinformation) and the Arctic. 
  • Build competencies in wargaming. Hybrid CoE hosts an annual course in wargame design tailored to hybrid threats.

Related experts

Shiho Rybski

  • Director

Training & Exercises

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