HybridCoe dots

Research and Analysis

The Research and Analysis (R&A) function provides Hybrid CoE with an internal research and analysis capability in support of Participating States, partners and other Hybrid CoE functions, as well as a distinct output contributing to the existing body of knowledge on changes in our security environment, the nature of hybrid threats, activities in the landscape of hybrid threats, and countermeasures.

To facilitate the Centre’s mandate, R&A will follow a multinational, multidisciplinary and academic-based methodology, engage with government and non-government experts from a wide range of professional sectors and disciplines, and get involved or co-create with the Centre’s communities of interest.

R&A provides targeted analysis as required to scope prioritized problems. It also provides independent analysis on emerging issues that are identified through research and evaluation. 

Expert pools

R&A also manages Hybrid CoE’s expert pools. Hybrid CoE expert-pool participants are drawn from the Participating States, selected based on recommendations and Centre requirements, and vetted. They may be affiliated with academia, think tanks or government organizations. They can represent national perspectives but are not national representatives themselves. The expert-pool participants are invited by Hybrid CoE and the nature of their role and contribution is based on their affiliation with the Centre.

Expert participation is driven by a specific challenge, problem, request or question. These may be suggested by Hybrid CoE, or another stakeholder. 

The expert pools contribute to R&A’s objective to produce independent research on hybrid threats, and its objective to enable all of the functions at the Centre, as well as the communities of practitioners in Hybrid CoE networks. Expert-pool meetings produce trend reports and other analyses on regional and thematic topics. Moreover, experts have contributed to policy recommendations and other Hybrid CoE research papers.

The objectives are:

  • To support Hybrid CoE’s role as a discussion leader on hybrid threats by optimizing outside subject-matter expertise and research capabilities.
  • To create ways for practitioners and academic experts to learn from each other.
  • To ensure that the expert pools are known and accessible to Hybrid CoE networks and partners.
  • To develop Hybrid CoE staff members professionally in order to heighten awareness of the current trends in hybrid threats and relevant research.


Creation and management of networks

R&A manages the Centre’s efforts in the project called Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats, EU-HYBNET, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. 

EU-HYBNET is inviting applications from European organizations interested in becoming new network members. Applicants may belong to the national or local administration of an EU member state or Associated Country, or represent industry, small and medium-sized enterprises, academia and NGOs. Members contribute to problem scoping, innovation mapping, workshops, research, and training in order to increase the network participants’ capabilities to counter hybrid threats.

Currently, the EU-HYBNET participants include 23 other organizations from 16 different European countries, but the network will invite new participants throughout the project life span of five years. Hybrid CoE is the thematic leader of the project, and its main partner is Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

Related publications


Hybrid CoE Strategic Analysis 35: Lessons learned from Western sanctions on Russia: Knowing your target well

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Hybrid CoE Working Paper 31: Building Resilience to hybrid threats: Best practices in the Nordics

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Hybrid CoE Working Paper 30: Security and geopolitics in the Arctic: The increase of hybrid threat activities in the Norwegian High North

Arctic region
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Hybrid CoE Working Paper 25: Chinese economic coercion in Southeast Asia: Balancing carrots and sticks

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Related experts

Viktorija Rusinaité

  • Director

Research & Analysis

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