The Canadian Arctic presents unique geographical, social, political, economic, and military conditions that constitute significant drivers of vulnerability. This Hybrid CoE Working Paper examines the key vulnerabilities and how they interact, providing opportunities for rival states to advance their interests in the region to Canada’s detriment. Hybrid threats are likely to manifest at the gaps and seams of those vulnerabilities. Thus, defence against hybrid threats in the Canadian Arctic should start with greater integration of military and non-military discussions on Arctic vulnerabilities. Resilience is the greatest defence against hybrid threats.

Hybrid CoE Working Paper 24: Vulnerabilities and hybrid threats in the Canadian Arctic: Resilience as defence
by Gaëlle Rivard Piché, Bradley Sylvestre
A medium-length paper covering work in progress. Develops and shares ideas on Hybrid CoE’s ongoing research/workstrand themes, or analyzes actors, events or concepts that are relevant from the point of view of hybrid threats.