Western Balkans in focus at countering disinformation wargame and conference in Vienna

For the first time, Hybrid CoE organized a region-specific countering disinformation wargame and conference, focusing on the Western Balkans, from 7 to 10 October in Vienna, Austria. The real-world simulation on how to recognize, respond to, and defend against disinformation was the ninth in a series of wargaming events designed to build the capacities of democratic states and their populations to counter disinformation from authoritarian regimes. 

“We need to identify our vulnerabilities to be able to defend against malign actors striving to exploit our weak points through versatile hybrid threat tactics,” commented Director of Hybrid CoE Teija Tiilikainen in her opening remarks. 

The wargaming sessions in Vienna simulated a major earthquake scenario in the Balkans, with malign actors taking advantage of the natural disaster in the information space, including through the use of novel AI tools. Among the training audience were eight national teams from Hybrid CoE’s Participating States, including three teams from the Western Balkans region. In total, 20 nationalities were represented among the officials participating in and running the wargaming sessions, organized by Hybrid CoE in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence. 

“The primary goal of the countering disinformation wargame is to equip participants with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively recognize and counter disinformation threats in an increasingly complex information landscape,” said Shiho Rybski, Director of Training & Exercises at Hybrid CoE. 

“The strength of our response to disinformation in the Western Balkans lies not only in our individual efforts, but in our ability to work together across borders, sharing knowledge and resources to bolster our collective defences,” Ms Rybski added. 

At the Demystifying Disinformation conference held prior to the wargaming sessions, the latest trends in countering disinformation were discussed, including the growing role of AI, as well as the value of regional cooperation and civil society in defending against disinformation.    

A recording of the Demystifying Disinformation conference can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/live/5sXkObzdTsU  

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