Hanna Smith received the ‘Security Researcher of the year’ award

On 17 December, Hybrid CoE’s Research Director Dr Hanna Smith received the ‘Security Researcher of the year 2020’ award at the virtual ‘Finnish Security Awards Gala’. The award is presented to a researcher or team of researchers who, through their research work, have made a significant contribution to the understanding of safety and/or enabled the development of new security solutions. The award committee stated that Hanna Smith is an active developer and collaborator, who possesses an exceptionally wide and deep range of expertise on Russia as well as on hybrid threats. The award also highlights the positive Finnish measures in this new threat genre.

The Finnish Security Awards (FSA), established by Turvallisuus & Riskienhallinta magazine in 2015,  and sponsored by 17 Finnish security, safety and risk management associations and societies, has 11 award categories.

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