Exercises demonstrate how to deter hybrid threats

Hybrid CoE contributed to the ‘Comprehensive security together’ campaign with a video blog post on conducting exercises. The topic for the blog was chosen to promote this practical method of providing organizations with experience and know-how in countering hybrid threats.

Exercises train participants to improve response mechanisms to different incidents or crises as they apply to hybrid threats, and strengthen relationships between participating organizations and individuals. Exercises can also be used as a tool to test different hypotheses, tactics, and procedures such as a playbook or a contingency plan. 

Hybrid CoE offers a unique, safe-to-fail environment for practitioners from the Centre’s Participating States, the EU and NATO to conduct exercises in countering hybrid threats together. 

‘Comprehensive Security Together’ (Kokonaisturvallisuutta yhdessä in Finnishis a campaign coordinated by the Finnish Security Committee. In the video blog posts, designated experts discuss themes related to the Committee’s focus areas for 2021: Crisis leadership, preparedness for multiple disruption scenarios, and international cooperation. 

The Role of Exercises in Countering Hybrid Threats

Shiho Rybski, Director of Training and Exercises, Hybrid COE

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