Hybrid threats discussed at the informal meeting of National Council Presidents in the Austerlitz+ format

Joseph Schroefl, Deputy Director of COI Strategy & Defence at Hybrid CoE, gave a keynote speech at the informal meeting of the Presidents of National Councils in the Austerlitz+ format in Salzburg on 23 August. 

At the meeting, Mr Schroefl emphasized the fact that all states have vulnerabilities and weak spots that are targeted by hybrid threats. “Awareness, resilience and an active policy by all states are needed to defend Europe,” highlighted Mr Schroefl. 

The informal session brought together the Austrian National Council President, Mr Sobotka; the President of the Czech Chamber of Deputies, Ms Pekarová Adamová; the Acting President of the Slovak National Council, Mr Žiga; the President of the Slovenian National Assembly, Ms Klakočar Zupančič; the President of the Croatian Parliament, Mr Jandroković; and the Chairman of the Foreign and European Policy Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Mr Tremonti. 

Participants agreed that awareness-raising and education on hybrid threats, international cooperation, as well as combatting hate speech and disinformation are all crucial to enhancing states’ ability to respond to hybrid threats. 

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