HybridCoe dots



Teija Tiilikainen

  • Director

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Martha Turnbull

  • COI Director

Hybrid Influence

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Ulla-Maria Wilenius

  • Head of Administration


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Markus Kokko

  • Head of Communications

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Tapio Pyysalo

  • Head of International Relations

International Relations

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Jukka Savolainen

  • COI Director

Vulnerabilities and Resilience

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Sönke Marahrens

  • COI Director

Strategy & Defence

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Viktorija Rusinaité

  • Director

Research & Analysis

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Shiho Rybski

  • Director

Training & Exercises

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Office and addresses

Hybrid CoE’s office is located in Helsinki, Finland.

How to get to Hybrid CoE

The Centre can be reached by multiple means. Please read about the options here.

Hybrid CoE social media principles

On its social media channels, Hybrid CoE welcomes fact-based discussion only. Any posts with disinformation, unlawful, derogatory or insulting content will be taken down, and accounts posting this kind of content repeatedly may be blocked.