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Hybrid CoE

Hybrid CoE is an autonomous, network-based international organization countering hybrid threats.


DeterrenceRead ›

Hybrid warfareRead ›

Maritime securityRead ›

ExercisesRead ›

Legal resilienceRead ›

Trend ReportsRead ›

Non-state actorsRead ›

Hybrid threats and financeRead ›



Hybrid CoE is seeking a DIRECTOR

Organization (Hybrid CoE)
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Wargaming courses focus on resilience of critical infrastructure

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Albania joins Hybrid CoE – completing the participation of all EU and NATO countries

Organization (Hybrid CoE)
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Ukrainian professors trained on the use of game-based methods for countering hybrid threats

Eastern Partnership countries
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Recent publications


Hybrid CoE Working Paper 33: State, non-state or chimera? The rise and fall of the Wagner Group and recommendations for countering Russia’s employment of complex proxy networks

Hybrid warfare
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Hybrid CoE Working Paper 32: Russia’s hybrid threat tactics against the Baltic Sea region: From disinformation to sabotage

Nordic-Baltic region
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Hybrid CoE Working Paper 31: Building Resilience to hybrid threats: Best practices in the Nordics

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Hybrid CoE Working Paper 30: Security and geopolitics in the Arctic: The increase of hybrid threat activities in the Norwegian High North

Arctic region
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Recent Hybrid CoE contributions

Contributions by Hybrid CoE’s staff to external fora and media.


Hybrid threats discussed at the informal meeting of National Council Presidents in the Austerlitz+ format

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Aspects of cognitive superiority – special edition of The Defence Horizon Journal

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Hybrid CoE panel at NATO C2COE annual seminar

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Hybrid CoE panel at CYDEF 2023 in Tokyo

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